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Rulebook: Collaboration between the Data Space for Skills and the Data Spaces Support Centre

The Data Space for Skills (DS4Skills) project has established a rulebook for its collaboration with the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) in order to share key assets, activities, and events. The collaboration aims to bring together the efforts of both projects in order to improve the sharing and use of information related to education, training, and skills.  

The two projects will work together in several different ways. For example, they will have regular exchanges in terms of documents and information and will keep each other updated on the projects’ progress. They will also focus on important topics like how to make sure different data spaces can easily work together and how to make sure the rules for using data are clear and fair. The collaboration is set to continue until September 2023, with the results of the partnership to be published in a report at the end of the project. 


✅ What are Data Spaces? 

A Data Space is a framework that supports data sharing within a data ecosystem. It provides a clear structure for participants to share, trade, and collaborate on data assets in a way that is compliant with relevant laws and regulations and ensures fair treatment for all involved. 

In business, Data Spaces enable the trusted and secure sharing of commercial data assets with automated controls on legal compliance and remuneration. This can create a market among participants or facilitate collaboration among diverse, interconnected parties who rely on each other for mutual benefits. Personal Data Spaces, on the other hand, allow data subjects and holders to control their data and its subsequent use, ensuring that legislation surrounding the handling of personal data is followed. 


✅ What is the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC)? 

The Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) is a support platform in the form of a web portal that will promote the establishment of shared Data Spaces and enable the reuse of data across different sectors. It will accommodate Data Spaces initiatives of any maturity level, including various developed solutions for Data Spaces that will be offered in the form of toolboxes. The platform will include a knowledge base, a help desk, and various support services for all stakeholders and Data Spaces initiatives. 

The Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) was launched on 13 October 2022, funded by the European Commission as part of the Digital Europe Program


✅ What challenges of building Data Spaces is the DSSC solving? 

Creating a successful Data Space comes with many challenges. One of them is to develop common standards for data spaces, which requires strong collaboration with all stakeholders and Data Spaces initiatives to identify their needs and develop common requirements and best practices.  

For this, the DSSC will be: 

  • Analyzing existing solutions, integrating functioning solutions, and identifying where new solutions need to be developed.  
  • Offering generic and specific services to Data Spaces as well as developing generic tools, building blocks, and frameworks. 
  • Exploring the needs of all Data Spaces initiatives and delivering a Data Spaces Blueprint comprising common building blocks in various areas. 
  • Engaging with a broad range of organizations and initiatives relevant to data space development, including those under the Digital Europe Programme, research and innovation initiatives, and industry and SME associations. 
  • Creating conditions for an open data ecosystem characterized by interoperability and mutual trust between participants. 

As a first step, the DSSC has created a starter kit to help organizations navigate the complexities of creating data spaces and ensure their success. 


✅ How will the DS4Skills collaborate with the DSSC? 

Based on the agreed Rulebook, the DS4Skills will collaborate with the DSSC in: 

  • Project organization: One-stop-shop for information about the two projects, involved stakeholders, timelines and relevant milestones and deliverables.
  • Guidelines for collaboration: List of documents, specifications and definitions used to build the project proposal and to implement the project itself. 
  • Rules of collaboration: Operational arrangements about communication, meetings, workshops, exchange of public/internal documents and joint external communication.