8.3. User experience in practice

8.3.1. VisionsGalaxy user experience   #

The VisionsGalaxy portal [VisionsGalaxy], developed by Visions [Visions], assists individuals in achieving success in their career orientation and professional integration by sharing their skills data with their consent among stakeholders. This interconnected ecosystem brings together 20 edtech companies and utilizes multiple AI technologies to match job and training opportunities with individual profiles, thereby creating a personalized and powerful service for individuals. Furthermore, this ecosystem brings together a vast network of advisors, schools, universities, training institutions, career counselling centres, and employers, with the aim of providing better support throughout their lifetime. 

VisionsGalaxy is available at the following address: https://visionsgalaxy.com/ 

Customization of tools and path based on profile

VisionsGalaxy offers an innovative approach that enables the customization of tools provided in the user journey according to each user’s profile. Personalization is based on the information provided in the registration form (age and situation) as well as the user’s stated goal (education or employment), which can be set through a dedicated settings page offered during onboarding. 

Figure 18: VisionsGalaxy, View of the Goal Setting Page

Based on these elements, one of the following three paths is offered to them: 

1 – A path for high school students, offering the OrienToi tool to complete Mission 1 (“Complete your profile”), along with an additional mission to prepare their Parcoursup application, including matching with educational offers from the Onisep catalogue. 

2 – A path for job seekers, including OrienToi for those aged 16-25 and JustSalaire for those over 25, to complete Mission 1. This path includes job offer matching, followed by training offers for jobs where the user lacks necessary skills. 

3 – A path for individuals seeking education, offering the OrienToi tool to complete Mission 1, along with matching educational offers from the CPF catalogue. 


Figure 19: VisionsGalaxy, View of the path for high school students

Thanks to this customization, users are guided towards tools specifically tailored to their situation and goals, making the experience more intuitive and relevant. 

A guided path

Figure 20: VisionsGalaxy, interface of guided paths

1 – VisionsGalaxy offers guided paths in the form of missions, leading individuals step by step. By breaking actions into missions, individuals have clear goals to achieve, making navigation smoother. 

2 – Missions are broken down into tasks to help individuals get started with VisionsGalaxy, gradually learn how to master its features, and navigate between platform tools. 

3 – Users are presented with a selection of engaging and profile-appropriate tools, enabling them to identify their skills, talents, interests, and the careers and sectors that appeal to them. By using these tools, candidates can quickly create their profiles based on the data generated on the provided platforms. 

4 – Once the individual has consented to share their skill data, Visions partner Headai’s algorithm automatically suggests the offers that best match the individual’s profile. 

Visualization of the proposed tools

By clicking on Task 1 of Mission 1 on the main view of the path, the tools are displayed, and for each tool, tags and an associated description appear along with a call to action. 

Figure 21: VisionsGalaxy, interface of proposed tools


At each step requiring the sharing of user skill data with a stakeholder, a specific pop-up appears to gather their consent. 

1 – Data sources are clearly identified. 

2 – Each data element is labelled with a comprehensible title for all. 

3 – The purpose of the data exchange is stated. 

Explicit consent pop-up when sharing personal data between

Figure 22: VisionsGalaxy, interface of consent

Integrated matching 

This matching feature in VisionsGalaxy is made possible through the integration of AI technologies into the user journey, such as Headai and Inokufu. To perform matching, the data is evaluated by the algorithm, which detects and associates keywords, and analyses compatibility between profile data and available offers. The more data the individual generates using the tools, the more complete their profile becomes, resulting in more accurate results. 

1 – Key information is visible for each offer, including the title, description, the number of new skills and enhanced skills, and the relevance level of the offer based on the individual’s profile. Additional information can be viewed by clicking on the title of an offer. 

2 – If the individual generates new data, they can share this data with Headai for use in matching by clicking the ” actualiser mes matches ” button. This action triggers a consent pop-up. 

3 – To select an offer they are interested in applying for, the individual can click the “ça m’intéresse” button. 

4 – The individual can apply for previously selected offers by clicking the ” postuler ” button. 

Viewing training and job offers 

By clicking the ” voir mes matches ” button on the main view, a selection of offers is displayed based on the data shared with Headai. 

Figure 23: VisionsGalaxy, interface of integrated matching

Viewing a training offer

By clicking on the title of a training offer in the Headai iframe, the complete information is displayed. 

Figure 24: VisionsGalaxy, interface of training


1 – At each step of their progress, individuals earn points by completing missions and using other tools available in the ” J’explore” page. 

2 – The points to be earned are indicated with an icon, a number, and a + or – symbol, indicating whether it is a point gain or expenditure. 

3 – These points can be exchanged for rewards (concert tickets, culinary boxes, products, discounts, etc.). These motivating rewards encourage the use of more tools and incentivize them to share their skill data with stakeholders, as has been proved by the higher usage of the platform when new rewards are available. 

Viewing rewards

Figure 25: VisionsGalaxy, interface of gamification

With VisionsGalaxy, the candidate has a comprehensive, personalized, and motivating system to assist them in their career orientation and professional integration while maintaining control of their skill data throughout the process. 

Digital employment: MyDataShare experience  #

Vastuu Group’s “The Reliable Employee” digital employment service helps people share their skills data with various employment services and education providers. This ecosystem approach and role between individuals and services enable the shift from data silos to data spaces where individual can control and share their skills-related data. The service is presented here with Vastuu Group’s consent. 

A demonstration environment is available at: https://beta.luotettavatyontekija.fi 


Figure 26: Reliable Employee login page

1 – Language selection from the very start: Onboarding must occur in the optimal language for the user.  

2 – Carousel for highlighting the main features of the service without requiring the user to authenticate and to set up an account.  

3 – A clearly indicated way forward, with a direct call to action for the end user. 

4 – A prominent link towards even more information.  

Omni-present personalization options 

Figure 27: Reliable Employee account menu

1 – Clearly present who the user has authenticated as. This is especially important when using shared devices.  

2 – Provide easy and consistently located access to session termination and to static information about the service’s scope and terms. 

Figure 28: Reliable Employee language menu

1 – Language selection within the service, in addition to the authentication view. Names of the languages available expressed using the language, not its rendition in the currently selected language.  

Data source visualization:

Figure 29: Reliable Employee profile view

1 – Clearly identify the two kinds of data used in the service: data from a source or data manually entered by the user. 

2 – Ensure that each data item is tagged with explicit source quality information.   

Explicit consenting when sharing personal data: 

Figure 30: Reliable Employee consent request dialogue box

1 – Utilize modal user interface when the end user is required to provide input.  

2 & 3 – Provide a clear reason why the end user is required to act. 

4 – Provide information on how the end user can negate any actions done. 

5 – Instead of drowning the end user in detail, provide an easily identifiable link where to find more information. 

6 – Clearly indicate what will happen if the end user acts.

8.3.3. Permission management tool (City of Helsinki)  #

Vastuu Group and City of Helsinki have explored multiple use cases and analysed what is important to take into account and what are possible challenges in the context of using a MyData Operator and requesting consents from citizens, employees and other stakeholders. The discoveries are not specific to the skills data space but applicable in general. Service is presented here with Vastuu Group’s and City of Helsinki’s consent.  

A demonstration environment is available at:  

The Main View

The main view of the service displays all the permission requests that target the end user:

Figure 31: Helsinki Permission Management Tool consent request view

1 – The look and feel of the user interface can be easily transformed according to the customer’s needs.   

2 – The omnipresent language and account menus allow access to these critical functionalities throughout the service.   

3 – The permission requests that require end user interaction are prominently emphasised through use of highlighting and drop shadow.  

4 – The current status of each permission request is displayed with an intuitive icon, highlight colour, and complementary text.   

5 – If the permission request concerns another person (that the end user is acting on behalf of), the name and role of the targeted person are explicitly stated.    

Permission request detail’s view  

By clicking on a request in the main view, the service displays the details and interaction tools of the request.   

Figure 32: Helsinki Permission Management Tool consent details view

1 – The key elements (and all interactions) are concentrated on the top of the view and framed to highlight them.   

2 – The interactive elements are emphasized through colour and iconography.   

3 – If the permission request concerns another person (that the end user is acting on behalf of), the name and role of the targeted person is explicitly stated. Also, the user interface errs on the side of caution regarding repetition – it is better to repeat than risk misunderstanding.   

4 – The current state of the permission request is shown with an intuitive icon and complementary text as well as the highlight colour of the surrounding frame.  

5 – The audit log of the permission request is easily available and brought forward in the context of the current status.   

6 – The type of the permission request is shown with an intuitive icon and complementary text.   

7 – The permission request’s entire textual collateral and possible links to external documentation are fully shown.    

Audit log  

The audit log of a permission request displays the history of the request.   

Figure 33: Helsinki Permission Management Tool consent audit trail


1 – Each end-user interaction and other status changes of the permission request are shown by stating who did what and when.   

2 – The most recent event is shown expanded – implications of the status change are explicitly stated.  

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