12.1. References

Format: [ Reference name ] document-name, URL 


Chapter 1: Executive summary 

[DSSC-Blueprint], DSSC Blueprint 0.5 Version for online consultation published on the 10th of Septembre 2023 

[Prometheus-X architecture], Prometheus-X high level data space architecture, https://dataspace.prometheus-x.org/fundamentals/architecture 

[EDGE-Skills], Digital Europe Programme funded project coordinated by Prometheus-X, https://dataspace.prometheus-x.org/ 


Chapter 2: Blueprint Introduction 

[McKinsey Study], The future of work in Europe, https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/future-of-work/the-future-of-work-in-europe 

[EU Data Strategy], European Data Strategy, https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/european-data-strategy_en 

[Digital Europe Programme], Digital Europe Programme, https://commission.europa.eu/funding-tenders/find-funding/eu-funding-programmes/digital-europe-programme_en 


Chapter 3: General principles and approach 

[Human by design principles], Humane by design principles, https://humanebydesign.com/principles 

[MyData-principles], My Data Declaration, https://www.mydata.org/participate/declaration/ 

[Trustworthy AI], Trustworthy AI: a strategic opporunity for industrial and digital sovergnity, https://www.thedigitalnewdeal.org/en/trustworthy-ai-a-strategic-opportunity-for-industrial-and-digital-sovereignty/ 

[Prometheus-X architecture], Prometheus-X high level data space architecture, https://dataspace.prometheus-x.org/fundamentals/architecture 

[DSSC-Blueprint], DSSC Blueprint 0.5 Version for online consultation published on the 10th of Septembre 2023 


Chapter 4: Usage scenarios 

[VisionsGalaxy], Description of the VisionsGalaxy data space use case, https://visionspol.eu/en/visionsgalaxy-an-open-ethical-and-human-centered-skills-data-ecosystem/ 

Edtechs and Analytics Companies 

[OrienToi], OrienToi, https://www.orientoi.fr/ 

[Jobready], Jobready, https://jobready.fr/ 

[NEOBRIDGE], Neobridge, https://neobridge.com/ 

[TrouveTaVoie], TrouveTaVoie, https://www.trouvetavoie.io/ 

[HeadAI], HeadAI, https://headai.com/ 

[Inokufu], Inokufu, https://www.inokufu.com/ 


Job boards 

[LinkedIn], LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/ 

[Indeed], Indeed, https://indeed.com/ 

[HelloWork], HelloWork, https://www.hellowork.com/ 


Training catalogs 

[CPF], CPF – Compte Personnel de Formation, https://www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr/espace-prive/html/ 

[ONISEP], Onisep, https://www.onisep.fr/ 

[Oriane FormPro], Oriane FormPro, https://formpro.oriane.info/ 



[Orange], Orange, http://orange.fr/  


Training organisations 

[Grande École du Numérique], Grande École du Numérique, https://www.grandeecolenumerique.fr/ 

[OpenClassrooms], OpenClassrooms, https://openclassrooms.com/ 

[Cergy Pontoise University], Cergy Pontoise University, https://www.cyu.fr/ 


Employment agencies 

[ARML], Les Associations Régionales des Missions Locales, https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/arml_et_animateurs_regionaux_avec_mails_.pdf 

[CIDJ], CIDJ – Youth Information and Documentation Center, https://www.cidj.com/ 

[TINGARI], Talent Solutions Tingari, https://tingari.fr/ 

[Pole Emploi], Accueil Pôle emploi, https://www.pole-emploi.fr/accueil/ 


Data intermediaries 

[VisionsTrust], VisionsTrust, https://visionstrust.com/ 


Chapter 5: Business model for the skills data space 

[ WP3.1 ] Data Space for Skills Work Package 3.1 Deliverable, DS4SKills_D3.1-vfinal.docx 

[ DSSC-starterkit, Business model radar] Data Spaces Support Centre Starter Kit, Starterkit-Version-1.0.pdf   

[Business model radar for the EU-Dune use case]. Mural from workshops  


Chapter 6: Governance model of the data space 

[ DataSpaceGlossary ] Data Spaces Glossary, Data Spaces Glossary 2.0

[ SitraRulebook ] Sitra Rulebook, https://www.sitra.fi/en/publications/rulebook-for-a-fair-data-economy/#5-ethical-principles-shared-values-of-the-data-network

[2] https://www.sitra.fi/en/publications/rulebook-for-a-fair-data-economy/#5-ethical-principles-shared-values-of-the-data-network

Chapter 7: Technical elements of the data space 

[Scheider et al] Scheider, S., Lauf, F., Möller, F. et al. A Reference System Architecture with Data Sovereignty for Human-Centric Data Ecosystems. Bus Inf Syst Eng (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-023-00816-9 


Chapter 8: User experience of the data space 

[ DSSC-starterkit ] Data Spaces Support Centre Starter Kit, Starterkit-Version-1.0.pdf   

[ WP3.1 ] Data Space for Skills Work Package 3.1 Deliverable, DS4SKills_D3.1-vfinal.docx 

[ WP3.2 ] Data Space for Skills Work Package 3.2 Deliverable – Work in Progress, DS4SKills_D3.2 Blueprint.docx 

[ Stakeholders] List of identified stakeholders, StakeholdersList_from_Matthias.docx  

[ Usecase1 ] Personalised Skills Matching use case, Use case 1 – Personalised skills matching.docx 

[ Usecase2 ] Skills Analytics Dashboards use case, Use case 2 – Skills analytics dashboards.docx  

[ DSSC-glossary ] Data Spaces Support Centre Glossary, Data-Spaces-Glossary-v1.0.pdf  

[ MyData-principles ] MyData Global Principles, principles 

[ Skills-glossary ] Data Space for Skills Glossary, Skills-specific glossary.xlsx 

[ Summary of Findings ] Review of two UX papers, Summary of findings.docx 

[ Skillsdata-WP] Skillsdata White Paper, Whitepaper 

[ WCAG ] Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

[ WAI ] Web Accessibility Initiative, About Web Accessibility Initiative

[ WEF-DT] World Economic Forum: Digital Trust, Digital Trust.pdf 

[ Apple-accessibility ] Apple Accessibility for Developers, resources 

[ Android-accessibility ] Google Accessibility for Android Developers, resources 

[ Microsoft-accessibility ] Microsoft Accessibility for Developers, resources 

[ ResponsiveDesign ] Responsive Web Design, publisher’s book page  

[ AboutFace ] About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design, publisher’s book page 

[ DesignSocialInterfaces ] Designing Social Interfaces, 2nd edition, publisher’s book page  

[ UniversalDesign ] 7 Principles of Universal Design, URL  

[ OECDDark ] Dark Commercial Patterns, URL  

[ DeceptiveDesign ] Deceptive Design, URL  

[ DDLaws ] Laws against dark patterns, URL  

[ JuneNotes ] Notes from DSSC workshop 21.6.2023, URL  

[ UserOnboard ] User Onboarding, URL  

[ Statista ] Mobile phone statistics, URL 

[VisionsGalaxy], Description of the VisionsGalaxy data space use case, https://visionspol.eu/en/visionsgalaxy-an-open-ethical-and-human-centered-skills-data-ecosystem/ 

[Visions], Website of Visions, https://visionspol.eu/ 


Chapter 9: Growth and roll out of the data space 

[EDGE-Skills], Digital Europe Programme funded project coordinated by Prometheus-X, https://dataspace.prometheus-x.org/ 


Chapter 10: Conclusion 

[Prometheus-X architecture], Prometheus-X high level data space architecture, https://dataspace.prometheus-x.org/fundamentals/architecture 


Chapter 11: Recommendations 

[Prometheus-X], Prometheus-X website, https://dataspace.prometheus-x.org/ 

[Prometheus-X architecture], Prometheus-X high level data space architecture, https://dataspace.prometheus-x.org/fundamentals/architecture 

[GDPR], General Data Protection Regulation, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/FR/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32016R0679 

[AI Act], Artifical Intelligence Act, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/FR/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52021PC0206 

[EDGE-Skills], Digital Europe Programme funded project coordinated by Prometheus-X, https://dataspace.prometheus-x.org/ 

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